What’s open in Weston

Here is a list of places in Weston that are open. At the end of the list will have surrounding towns to help out those who use services in surrounding areas.

Towns with “Whats open in…” lists Bridgeport Darien Easton Fairfield New Canaan Stamford Norwalk Westport Wilton

***If you don’t see a business you are looking for or know of a business that is open please have them contact me so I can get them on the list. They can contact me via our social media or submissions@findingweston.com Thank you ***

Updated: 4/3/2020 @ 5:44 PM

Peter’s Weston Market
Hours: Open Mon-Sat 6-8 and Sun 6-7
Prepackage food changes daily, see instagram page for details.
Please call a head for meat, deli, produce, hot service bar. Orders over the phone can be picked up at the back of the store.
Call: 203.227.2066 

Pawgatuck Cafe of Weston
@pawgatuckcafe is also delivering disinfected pet food free to Weston, Wilton, Fairfield, and now Norwalk. People can DM for info. 10% COVID19 to help people out. We specialize in raw frozen and frozen cooked but are now helping out by special ordering canned/dry too.
Email: pawgatuckcafe@gmail.com

Real Estate
Bross Chingas Bross
We are inviting everyone to visit our website and view our inventory, determine if our listings are of interest and we will schedule personal Facetime tours.
Call: 203.454.8000

EA Homes
Offers virtual tours/FaceTime clients/prospect, provide market analysis via conference call or email, provide resources for vendors who can provide home assistance.
Call: 646.303.0303

Joni is offering advice to anyone wondering what the heck to do during this time of uncertainty. What sellers can do to prepare their homes to put on the market, or if buyers should be going through with their quest to find their dream home. There is a lot of uncertainty out there, and buyers/sellers will appreciate Joni’s 30+ years of real estate experience.
Email: joni@jonihomes.com

To see what is open in Bridgeport
To see what is open in Darien
To see what is open in Easton
To see what is open in New Canaan
To see what is open in Norwalk
To see what is open in Stamford
To see what is open in Westport
To see what is open in Wilton